Fox Business: Biden's Russia oil ban: Energy industry reps laud move, say it's 'befuddling' president won't back US energy

ConservAmerica President Jeff Kupfer appeared on Fox Business on March 8 to discuss Biden’s decision to ban Russian oil imports, making the case that it was the right move even if the administration was pushed into the decision but there is much more the U.S. should be doing to keep up with demand. 

Former Acting Deputy Energy Secretary Jeff Kupfer, who served under former President George W. Bush, told FOX Business Tuesday that despite the fact he agrees with the ban on Russian oil, it still appears Biden was forced into the move.  

"I think it was the right move. They ultimately in some way got pushed into it," Kupfer said. "I mean, they weren't necessarily supportive of it at first, but with the bipartisan pressure from the Hill, it sort of left them no choice but to do it." 

Kupfer served as an executive at Chevron and Atlas Energy after his government service. Now he works for the right-leaning group ConservAmerica, which aims to promote "sound environmental and conservation policy." 

Kupfer also said that the oil ban won't necessarily be as "disruptive" to gas prices as it may have been at the beginning of the war because markets "had already begun to reflect and price in the ban on US imports of Russian oil." 

Kupfer told Fox Business that the current dilemma reflects decades of policy decisions that have left the country over reliant on foreign supply. He points out that the United States is blessed with natural resources and could do more to ensure its own energy security. Kupfer cautions, though, that it will take time to right the ship.  

“We can’t wave a magic wand and transition our energy system to a new system that does away with fossil fuels,” Kupfer said. Pointing to projections that demand for oil and natural gas will continue to grow, Kupfer said a mid-term approach to energy policy will need to include the “use of fossil fuels,” in addition to renewables and other low-carbon sources. 

Watch the entire interview on Fox Business here.