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ConservAmerica Statement On Carbon Pricing As Market-Based Approach To Tackling Climate Change

ConservAmerica today issued the following statement on the American Petroleum Institute’s (API) support for carbon pricing as a potential economy-wide approach to address the environmental impacts of climate change.

“API’s announcement is an important step forward in the conversation on how to address climate change,” ConservAmerica President Jeff Kupfer said. “ConservAmerica believes that market-based approaches, including a price on carbon, will result in the most efficient, least costly means to reduce greenhouse gas emissions (GHG). This includes policies that are flexible, incentivize long-term planning and innovation, and that minimize economic and regulatory barriers that unnecessarily increase costs or undercut competitiveness."

“Fundamentally different than any environmental challenge we have faced, climate change is global in its reach and economy-wide in its breadth; the regulatory mechanisms of the past are not sufficient to address GHG emissions of today or the future. API’s statement addresses these realities and provides a pathway for an efficient, comprehensive, and durable approach to reduce emissions,” Kupfer said.


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