ConservAmerica Pleased by White House Announcement on Marine CDR Committee

Washington, DC – ConservAmerica Senior Counsel Brent Fewell released the following statement today following a White House announcement on potential ways we can harness the ocean to mitigate climate change:

“ConservAmerica applauds the White House announcement on the creation of the Fast-Track Action Committee on Marine Carbon Dioxide Removal (CDR). As the National Academy of Sciences concluded in 2022, marine CDR presents the best opportunity to scale the solution needed to mitigate the environmental impacts of rising carbon dioxide levels. 

“ConservAmerica continues to lead the effort to advance common-sense solutions to climate change that won’t put our national security or economy at risk. This includes the advancement of ocean iron fertilization (OIF) that will help restore the climate and ocean fisheries. Iron is an essential nutrient for phytoplankton growth and therefore plays an important role in the earth’s carbon cycle and biological pump in the ocean. 

“We urge the White House and Congressional Democrats to support the Ocean Restoration Research and Development Act. If implemented, this bipartisan legislation sponsored by Rep. Buddy Carter (R-GA), would establish a 5-year pilot program under the direction of the Department of Energy and accelerate the implementation of OIF to demonstrate that it is effective and safe.”

Meredith Kenny