ACE Act Signed by President Trump 


November 2, 2020


(202) 285 6783

ACE Act Signed by President Trump 

WASHINGTON, DC – This Friday, President Trump signed America's Conservation Enhancement (ACE) Act (S. 3051) into law after a voice vote in the House.

Originating in the Senate, the ACE Act is a bipartisan effort lead by Senators Barrasso (R-WY) and Carper (D-DE) and supported by Roosevelt Conservation Caucus (RCC) members Cramer (R-SD) and Capito (R-WV). Similarly, the legislation enjoyed bipartisan support as it moved through the House and was championed by RCC members Rep. Watkins (R-KS-2), Rep. Zeldin (R-NY-1), and Rep. Stivers (R-OH-15). Following the passage of the Great American Outdoors Act, the legislation is the second major conservation bill to become law this year.

The ACE Act helps conserve wildlife and wildlife habitat, while also protecting hunters and anglers. The legislation reauthorizes several important conservation statutes, including the North American Wetlands Conservation Act, the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation Act, and the Chesapeake Bay Program. In addition, the legislation:

  • Commissions a study on the causes of chronic wasting disease (CWD) and establishes a task force to enhance state and federal efforts to reduce the spread of the disease;

  • Establishes a Theodore Roosevelt Genius Prize to reduce human-predator conflict;

  • Authorizes funds to combat the threat of invasive species;

  • Establishes a public-private partnership to promote the conservation of fish habitat involving a wide range of stakeholders, including conservation groups and anglers;

  • Protects the use of lead fishing tackle;

  • Allows livestock producers to prevent livestock losses from otherwise protected species during calving or lambing season.

“The 116th Congress and President Trump have made major strides in support of America’s conservation heritage,” said ConservAmerica VP of Policy Todd Johnston. “In addition to protecting wildlife and wildlife habitat, the ACE Act strikes a good balance between our conservation needs, the interests of those who live off the land, and those of outdoor sports enthusiasts.” 


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